
Showing posts from October, 2022

Week 11

 Monday- Today we had seat change. Im pretty much in my same seat. I think my sit will be a lil ok if Sean doesn’t bother me. Today should be decent day. Tuesday- we worked in the college board book. We had to do vocabulary and do exercises warmups. Today was pretty chill.  We will go over vocabulary tomorrow.  Wednesday- Today we had to write a sentence using our vocabulary words that we word yesterday. We also took notes. Some of the vocabulary words are affectation, adroit, and affluence.  Thursday- Tomorrow we will have a college fair. We also have a test. Today we wrote vocabulary words in a sentences. I hope tomorrow will be fun.  Friday- Today we started our test.We didn’t get to finish because we have a college fair in the gym. Today I seen tsu,ASU,and etc. I learned a lot today from these schools.


 Friday- today we finished our benchmark test. We had a lot of writing to do today on our test. I didn’t get to answer all of them. Today is our pep rally and I can’t wait.


Thursday- today we took a benchmark test. It was easy because today we only did multiple choice questions. Tomorrow we will finish the rest of the test. Also we have a pep rally tomorrow.


Dreams in the world Dreams aren't easy and Lite doesnt come easy Sametime people ale greddy and now I sée it all so Clear this is Real workd and IM here As I Lockup to the sky I Seem to wonder why Dreams is A very Important to live by T Dream That I Am successful Before I Die